Eliminate mycotoxin & endotoxin contamination with the all-in-one toxin reducer

Achieve higher body weight, improved feed efficiency, and better livability

Toxin management

Minimize the harmful effects of toxins on health and productivity

Livestock producers, meet the future of animal health

Boost profits and animal well-being with our next-generation toxin reducer

Feed Products EndoBan® FT

EndoBan® FT
Toxin reducer

EndoBan® FT is a unique product combining the excellent mycotoxin-binding properties of
Free-Tox® XP with the top-notch endotoxin reducing capabilities of Endoban®.

Did you know? Mycotoxins worsen the effects of endotoxins in animals.

1 feed additive that tackels mycotoxins AND endotoxins?
YES, with EndoBan® FT you can!

EndoBan® FT simultaneously combats mycotoxins and endotoxins by eliminating them from the gastrointestinal tract before they can exert their toxic effects.

Addressing endotoxemia & mycotoxicosis?
Eliminate your toxin threats with our research-backed toxin reducer.

Stop endotoxin-related losses

EndoBan® is a highly innovative feed additive combining several strategies to reduce the leakage of endotoxins through the gastrointestinal barrier.

  • Prevent costly inflammatory responses
  • Improve feed efficiency and growth
  • Remove endotoxins from the gut
  • Limit leakage of endotoxins through GIT barrier
  • Reduce the toxicity of endodoxtins (detoxification)
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Prevent mycotoxin damage


Free-Tox® XP is a blend of carefully selected adsorbents that binds mycotoxins in the GIT, prevents their uptake into the blood and disables their toxic effects in animals.

  • Excellent binding capacity
  • No binding of nutrients
  • Improve immunity and performance
  • Prevent energy-consuming inflammatory responses
  • Inhibit mold growth
  • Eliminate mycotoxins from the GIT
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Prevent, defend, restore and protect with EndoBan® FT

  • One product for ALL animal species
  • Eliminate toxins at high and low levels before they cause damage
  • Stable binding over the wide pH range found in the GIT
  • Low inclusion rate
  • Highly stable
  • Proven reliability
  • High rate of ROI, significantly lower cost per kg of meat, milk or eggs produced
Get the trial results & let them speak for themselves

The negative impact of mycotoxins and endotoxins on animal production is an ever-increasing concern. In addition, these toxins not only reduce the digestibility of nutrients, but also impair animal health and can even cause diseases and death in humans and animals who consume contaminated food or feed. To address this challenge, proactive measures are needed to prevent mold growth in grains and animal feed, alongside strategies to detoxify and mitigate the effects of these contaminants within the animal system.

Given the tight margins and emphasis on efficiency in the livestock industry, a comprehensive solution is essential to eliminate the threat of mycotoxins & endotoxins and their hidden economic impacts on producers.

EndoBan® FT, combining the best in toxin defense.
The animal producers’ nr 1 choice for ultimate protection.

 EndoBan® FT provides a cost-effective, natural, and safe solution for animal producers to combat toxin toxification. This additive works within the digestive system to reduce toxin uptake and prevent their distribution to the bloodstream and target organs, effectively safeguarding animals from future toxin exposure. The product has been developed for use in animal feed, to be incorporated into complete feed or premixes.

Effective toxin management, even when confronting low levels of suspected mycotoxin and endotoxin contamination, significantly restores productivity and profitability.

With EndoBan® FT livestock animals will maintain a healthy immune system, better reproduction parameters and intestinal integrity.

Unveiling its powerful action against mycotoxins & endotoxins:
Inside the action of EndoBan® FT’s toxin reducer

The underlying mode of action focuses on binding and inactivation of mycotoxins & endotoxins, as well as strenghtening the animal’s own natural defense system by:

  1. preventing absorption of harmful toxins
  2. protection
  3. relieving the immune system from an avoidable burden
  4. redirecting nutrients to growth and production

Why you need us at your side

All animal species are sensitive for toxins.
Most susceptible animals are …


  • Heat stressed birds
  • Birds with compromised gut health
  • Hens at the onset of lay
  • Poultry in open housing or cage-free systems


  • Transition cows
  • Highly productive cows
  • Heat stressed cows
  • Calves
  • Cows with GIT problems


  • Piglets
  • Breeding sows
  • Heat stressed pigs

What are the negative effects of toxins on your animals?

  • Reduced feed intake
  • Growth depression
  • Higher susceptibility to pathogens
  • Inflammation of the GIT
  • Intestinal damage
  • Reproduction problems
  • Liver damage
  • Fatty liver
  • Immunosuppression
  • Oral lesions
  • Lameness

Endoban® FT, a broad-spectrum toxin reducer for all your animals. Stronger immunity, better health, lasting protection.

Endoban® FT protects animals from the harmful effects of mycotoxins & endotoxins through different key mechanisms of action:

DETOXIFICATION: reduces the bioavailability of mycotoxins and endotoxins, resulting in a reduction in uptake & their distribution in the blood and organs.
BIO-TRANSFORMING: stimulates the breakdown of toxins into non-toxic compounds.
IMMUNE SUPPPORT: enhances and supports the immune competence otherwise suppressed by mycotoxins & endotoxins for optimal health & performance.
ORGAN PROTECTION: prevents damage and supports the normal functioning of toxin-sensitive organs, tissues, and systems.

We help prevent negative mycotoxin & endotoxin effects in your poultry, swine and ruminants.

Tailored nutritional solutions
At the heart of our business is a commitment to providing comprehensive nutritional guidance to our valued customers. We believe that optimizing feed for optimal performance and cost-effectiveness requires a continuous dialogue between our experts and yourself.

Reach out for personalized solutions
Don’t hesitate to engage our team for solutions tailored to your specific needs and goals. We are always eager to answer your questions and provide expert insights to elevate your animal nutrition strategies.

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Product availability and supported claims may vary by country, contact us for more information.